Sunday, 24 March 2013

5 games to play on public transport

Games on public transport?

Since I am now on holiday, and I fully intend to use the bus only when vitally important, I have decided to cheer all you public transport users up with some games that can be played on the bus (or any others means of public transportation). Most of these I have tried myself, and they have proved to wonderfully entertaining, but I must warn you: Some of these suggestions are best done outside of rush hour, due to the social guidelines one must never break when subjected to public transport at rush hour.

1.I spy
A game many may remember from their youth. Its rules are simple, you and a partner (yes you do need a friend to play this game, alternatively you can rope an unsuspecting fellow passenger into the game), take turns to ‘spy’ an object on the bus. Give your partner a clue such as the object's colour, or the beginning letter. Your partner has three tries (or how ever many you deem suitable) to guess the object. If the object is guessed correctly (well done!) it is your partner’s turn. If not, it is up to you to decide if you give them another chance.

2. Where’s Wally?
Well, a bit of a misnomer (unless your friend is called Wally). This game is based on the book with the same title. Once again this game requires someone you know (sorry, I tend to test these games with my sister) You and your friend have to agree on this game in advance, as it requires you to get on at different stops. You (or your friend, who ever gets on first), is ‘Wally’ and has to wear a brightly coloured hat. At the next stop (or any other stop after that, really) the other person involved in this game gets on, and has the task of finding ‘Wally’. This is a game that is far more fun on (a) double decker buses, and (b) during rush hour. (If you want to make it even more difficult, get rid of the coloured hat.)

3. People watching (aka pretending to be Sherlock Holmes)
This game is something you can play on your own, and it will help while away hours. You can play this game anywhere, it is not restricted to public transport, but it is so much more fun on a bus or a train. Make sure to get a seat (or standing place) that allows you to see as many of your fellow passengers as possible. Chose a person (or more) who looks interesting, and for the duration of your journey (or until they get off) try to find out as much as you can, without talking to them. This game is always more fun when observing a serious businessman, since they tend to take phone calls while they travel. Please note that playing this game may (ok, it's actually quite certain) result in angry looks from fellow passengers and you may not find out anything, but it certainly is a challenge.

4. Musical chairs
This game works best in an empty bus, and with a friend. Unlike with the original game, you cannot remove seats from a bus, nor can you run around the bus (ok, you could, but would you?). Therefore the objective of the game is to sit in as many different seats during your journey as possible. See if you can’t sit in every seat at some point during the journey (but don’t ask someone to move). If playing this with a friend, you can make it into a competition. One main thing to remember is that you have to remember that you are sharing the space with other people, so try to be quiet, and never ask someone to move for you. 

5. Talking Businessman
I know the title of this game sounds like an oxymoron. But as it suggests, it's objective is to get a businessman talking. This is a wonderful game (although I shouldn't call it that) to play when you are on your own on the bus. Just pick a businessman (or anyone else) to talk to during your journey. It is surprising how refreshing it is, and you never know, you might even make their day. Pleases remember thought that because of the strictly enforced ‘politeness’ on public transport, you should keep your voice at a quiet level, and also you should be prepared to be ignored.

There, those are five games you could play on public transport. Do you have any other favourites? Please also let me know if you played any of these games, and how it went. I hope you have a nice Easter.

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